iPad Connections

Devices for Remote Learning

Do you need a device, need technical support or to fix a broken device, or are dealing with a lost or stolen device? Call DOE’s IT Help desk at 718-935-5100 and press 5 to get assistance.

You can also get quick help online:

∙ Browse tech support topics: schools.nyc.gov/technicaltools

∙ File a tech support ticket: schools.nyc.gov/techsupport

∙ Request a device: schools.nyc.gov/devices

∙ Get support with a DOE-issued iPad: schools.nyc.gov/ipadfixes

∙ Issues with your Internet connection: schools.nyc.gov/internet

Getting Started with your iPad (Opens External Link)

All technical support requests can be made online at DIIT Help Desk

Calling the Help Desk does not guarantee that you will receive faster service. Also, please encourage students and families to submit a ticket online before calling the Help Desk. In many cases, the request form will provide visitors with the answers they need, based on the information they provide, and eliminates the need for them to submit a ticket.