
Dear Parents/Guardians,

As we draw closer to the festive season, we continue our commitment to working with you to help move the children forward academically, socially, and physically.

Please remember you are free to make an appointment to speak with your child’s teacher by phone or Google Meet.

We can be reached at the following emails: 

Pre-K1 Mr. Mejia 

Pre-K2 Ms. Coronati 

Supervisors email: Ms. Adams

Rigorous Instruction 

Instruction is customized, inclusive, motivating, and aligned to the Next Generation Standards. High standards are set in every classroom. Students are actively engaged in ambitious intellectual activity and developing critical thinking

Current Units Of Study

Math: Building Blocks. Children will continue learning to count, compare, and order numerals up to 10. They will also, continue working with 2D and 3D shapes by analyzing, comparing, and classifying them. 

Interdisciplinary Units of Study: Trees 

We will discover different types of trees. We will learn about animals' habitats, living things, needs of living things, and characteristics of living things.

Focus questions: What do we know about trees? What are trees used for? How do people and animals make homes?

Supportive Environment

The school establishes a classroom and school culture where students feel safe, supported, and challenged by their teachers and peers.  


Student of the Month 

Pre-K 1: Bella Vasquez

Pre-K 2: Dulce Maria Pantojo

 Every successful individual knows that his or her achievement depends on a community of people working together.  


December Calendar

Teachers Contact Information 

PK-1: Mr. Mejia 

PK-2: Mrs. Coronati 

Supervisor email:  Ms. Adams